Back at the CIA, Weiss picks up the message
SD-6 has put out a hit on Sydney
which has Vaughn scrambling to get an extraction team to Tuscany
and to call Jack |
and which has Jack saying, you sit on your hands
until you hear from me, cause this could be a big mistake |
scrambles over to see Marshall, with a request to look for a lost
message |
so he can check the messages logs for the day |
where he discovers Sloane's message
to Rome, sent out of Server 5, which is not connected to the network at the moment,
since it's the server SD-6 thinks their 'hacker' is using |
So Jack scrambles to the CIA, with a request to see those guys he told
to sit on
their hands in Field Ops |
At Field Ops, with hands clearly visible, Vaughn and Co are watching Dinatti
and their extraction team on their conveniently-place cameras
instead of
sitting on their hands
Jack says, hand-sitting time, folks, it's a set-up
to see if Syd's a double and to see if anyone is listening still
Vaughn says, yeah, but what if you're wrong? |
Compelled by Jack and their immediate CIA superior to at last do the
sitting, they watch ...
Sydney entering the park |
walking past the monitors
... |
which also seem to be available for viewing at SD-6