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Back in LA, Kendall has some choice words about Syd losing Sloane

which Syd points out is ridiculous since she was Sloane's prisoner

and in an unexplained phenomenon, Kendall develops dimples!

Vaughn's going for the explainable this episode, empowered
by the absence of his all-too-familiar suit

Back in Zurich. Sloane and Sark discuss the non-appearing Caplan,
who has put together the Rambaldi device without the benefit of screen time

Sloane suggests that Sark test the device

and Sark seems to be having a first in a series of questioning looks this episode at his erstwhile partner Sloane

Back in LA, Syd and Vaughn return from their first hockey game,
and the realization that Syd prefers the Zamboni to the game

although both enjoy the kiss

interrupted, of course, since this is Alias, by a phone call from ...

Weiss, who says they are needed, and is Syd around and if so
in which room are they enjoying themselves

to which Vaughn answers that he had some ideas in mind for a change of venue

but is interrupted by hearing strange repetitions through his cell phone of his earlier conversation and smooches with Syd

So the agents pick up their secret agent flashlights and screwdrivers

and discover a bug

and look very serious

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