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With a sweet smile, Sloane says he forgives Jack for his betrayals, and that he wants
them to work together on Rambaldi, which he says is really amazin'

and Jack says no way, and even permits himself a small facial motion in that slightly raised eyebrow

Sloane says bye, and that Jack will be working with him again, and soon

In Marseilles

Vaughn diverts the guards

while Sydney climbs into the server farm

only to be caught by a tazer wielded by

Irina, who destroys the servers but after she downloaded the double's DNA file

which she tells Syd she'll be contacting her about in the next episode

Back in LA, a little blue car stops in an alley

and WIll jumps in

and thanks NotFrancie for the lift

and pulls away with another blatant product placement - yep, it's another Ford Focus!

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