
Aw, she's married to the hero of the moment - her own snookums |

Aw, he's glad he could be her hero
- his own snookums, too |

It's LA again, now under full Giant Love Triangle Attack

It's the besieged citizenry, hunkered down in their bunker making dinner
- Larger |

Hey, if I'm going to survive the Giant Love Triangle Attack, I need
to know some info on the other vertices |

Weiss tells all. Seems it began with the deposition about Irina that
Lauren took from them all. Deposing Vaughn led straight to romance
and marriage, at a farm in Virginia owned by Lauren's dad, Senator
Reed- Large

Back at the CIA, the image of the killer now looks like this

which pleases Marshall, who is going to clean it up more, |

but worries Jack, who wants to clean it up out of existence - Larger

while Lauren looks on, a rapt vertex if there ever was one |
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