And so the
questions still remain, and only five episodes left in this season Home,
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In his cell,
Sloane gets good news and bad news - good news is
he's cleared as
a mole since the mole was Senator Reed
Bad news is that Reed's papers show that Sloane gave Reed Rambaldi stuff
that violates his parole
So it looks like it's lethal injection in
two weeks for Poor Ol' Arvin Sloane
Later that night, Vaughn calls Sydney
Sydney says, how's Lauren and where are you?
Not great, at home, and the coffee's off
Syd says, bye
and has a good cry
and Lauren does more listening
answer them:
Will anyone ever unmask the true
leakey nature of Lauren Reed Vaughn?
Will Sydney ever be happy all the way through one episode?
Will Sark and his cronies always escape to plot another day?
Will Jack shoot anyone else this season?
Are the bangs here to stay?