
Back at the JTF, it's briefing formation again, with Jack saying that
Dr. Lee has been
meeting recently with Sloane, and that he's head of a Cuban bioweapons
facility in

Dixon gives assignments - Sydney and Vaughn to Cuba to get info about
Sloane from Lee, and Jack to Katya's apartment to work with her
investigating Sloane's financials

Vaughn's all, yeah but ... yeah but ... if those satellites had been
looking for Lauren, we'd have found Sloane, saved Nadia, the grass
would be greener, global warming would be stopped, and my stomach
acid would be neutralized ... or words to that effect

Afterwards, Jack stops Vaughn for a talk about the danger to Sydney and
the mission
with all this unresolved wife hatred

Jack suggests closure, aids to which can be found in his storage garage
with this key:
stuff there like untraceable weapons and disposal methods
for wifely remains

Vaughn says, hey, that's not me |

Jack says, keep the key, and walks away to his next scene |

Now Jack's next scene is with his sister-in-law, Katya, who decides to
take a break
from Sloane financials by asking Jack if he knew about Irina's affair
with Sloane
at the time

Poor Jack says nope, and then listens to Katya telling him, you've
intrigued me
Irina talked about you,
you're sexy, deal
with it,
and suddenly it's Aaron
Spelling night on Alias

They do get back to business, with Katya identifying a company that
did business with Sloane recently as one that had done
business recently in Chamonix |

which has Jack remembering Toni Cummings and calling Toni's jail to set
up an interview |

Before Jack leaves, a little more Spelling creeps in as Katya mentions
how hard it's
going to be on Jack, going all alone
finding Syd's sister and all the infidelity

at which point Jack leaves |

At this rather amazing bioweapons research facility in Cienfuegos, here
are two guys
playing dice

only to be interrupted by a wet and distressed Sydney |

She asks for help

while Vaughn tranqs the guards |