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Syd stabs him again
and says, how could you do that to me
But wait! It's only a nightmare - it's really Lauren at his side
Wowser - unless this is a nightmare, but JJ Abrams promised the viewers
there wouldn't be any fake realities or dreams or anything else,
so it
must be ...
really Lauren
and really Vaughn
and really a lot of pain as the real wife decides to put her head over
his collapsed
lung and nearly fatal knife wound
Back at the CIA, Weiss gives news to Sydney - Sloane has miraculously
in LA and Dixon is sending her to find out what gives
Lauren is there first, but Sydney joins to find out what gives with Sloane
Guys, I'm givin' you info on this nifty AI computer virus that the Japanese
mob has
that can phutz everything, and if you go to mob headquarters in Osaka
you can get it before the Covenant,
whom I've also spilled these beans to