
Furtive isn't so good these days, since the CIA has decided that
maybe all that info leakrd to the Covenant is from a mole,
so Langley's sent out their de-moler squad, Jack's helping,
Lauren gets the first appointment

Lauren says, oh, dear, I'd just love to, really I would, but I've got
an NSC briefing in DC tonight, and so escapes from the de-molers
for the time being |

After the briefing, Lauren tries to escape Sydney, but gets caught in
a talk that we
don't hear |

while Weiss checks in with Vaughn |

and asks, how's Lauren? |

to which Vaughn replies cryptically, she didn't remember, but heck she's
busy and I didn't say anything, and heads out. So even though we
get to hear this talk, we don't know what the heck he meant by that |

Meanwhile, across the room, Lauren again is doing the furtive bit |

and has Weiss staring |

Scene change to this stock footage of Zurich

where Dr. Barnett, still in Zurich since the last episode,
gets a call from ... |
who apologizes for his behavior in the previous episode and suggests
dinner at a particular restaurant that night |
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