
Back in LA

Lauren meets her non-shooting-the-bad-guy-when-you-have-the-drop-on-him
hubby in a bar, and suddenly maybe the criminal mastermind of Lauren
is a little more obvious when contrasted to the secret-agentness
of Michael Vaughn |

but they're interrupted by her cell phone again |

It's Sark, and he's baiting Lauren about Vaughn dropping that
gun to save Sydney |

so she hangs up and gives hubby a big smoochy |

Back at the JTF, Jack stops by to say hi to ... |

his sweet daughter Sydney |
Jack does the unthinkable - he admits that he actually requires sustenance,
and he
suggests dinner out with his daughter

Hey, something is going right for Syd! |

Hey, Jack can smile! |

Aawww, Sydney gives a teary yes |

Father and daughter walk out of the JTF together, unknowing of any
future chaos
that might be caused by Sloane's claim to fatherhood, unknowing of
how many more
times Sark will be allowed to roam free because the agents here are
unknowing of when the next ax will fall from the overworked brains
of the writers, and
so, dear viewers, we can bask in the prehaps temporary but sweet
view of this lovely
family scene |
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