
Sloane says he just wants to find his daughter, The Passenger, protect
her from The Covenant, so please talk to your father about clearing

and of course, uses the sure-fire way to get sympathy out of Syd - if
not for my sake, then for the sake of your long-lost sister |

Meanwhile, Weiss and Marshall arrive with the news that The Restoration
by Conrad is a manuscript that refers to The Passenger, but the
Covenant can't read it
without the code
key, which Project Black Hole has

Now Jack's got a plan - call a briefing, include Lauren, say we're about
to go after the
Restoration, and that we have the code key that the Covenant needs
to read it ...
wait a gosh darn minute, that's the real plan

Oops, there's more - we'll make a fake code key for Lauren
to steal, and then we'll give it to Marshall to play with so that
Lauren will think it's real

so it's the Fake Code Key gambit for Marshall, who is a mite nervous |

So Dixon calls the meeting and says, the
Restoration won't do the Covenant
any good because they don't have
the code key,
neener neener |

Oooo, Lauren is ready to steal and leak |

All she has to do is go in to see perfectly normal Marshall working on
the supposed
code key

and say, the NSC wants me to detail the code key too |

and Marshall's hey, cool |

and in process, Lauren puts down a coffee mug in a stupid position so
to pick it up, thus giving Lauren his thumb print |

and while simultaneously waving her photo-imaging USB pen over the code
key |
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