
Shifting once again back to two dads and a daughter

Sloane does the exposition for Sydney and the audience - each person
has a unique brain wave pattern, and the DOD has this nifty
new satellite that can read these brain waves up there in space
and locate people

Jack returns with the news - yep, found her brain waves in a women's
prison in Chechnya, and checking the prison
database, whch must therefore have brain wave information, she's
listed as Talia Kozlov. Oh, and just a thought, but if
she's in the clink, maybe she's not exactly an innocent |

to which Sloane answers, she's my daughter and we're going to find her |

does suggest that Syd reassess long-lost-sis-reunion expectations in the
light of the fact that long-lost-sis is in jail

Syd says, hey, already made that mistake with Mom, I'm not doing it
again ... Promise

Back to the torture chamber, Lauren revives Vaughn, tells
him he survived the
protocol but spilled everything,
and he'd better go before Sark gets back

Looking the gift horse in the mouth, Vaughn asks why, and Lauren says
the only real
thing in her life was her marriage

But Vaughn does manage to stagger out just in time to stop this friendly semi |

with a friendly driver who offers Vaughn his cell phone |

Vaughn calls Dixon, says he told Sark where The Passenger is, Dixon says
don't worry, and hey, where exactly is The Passenger

and guess what, it's really Sark and Lauren on the other end of the line

with a computer to simulate Dixon's voice |