Place: SAJV Fans Club
When: Whenever we get the overwhelming urge to chat
The Yahoo Group SAJV Fans is a club set up for chatting. It is open membership to any and all who want to discuss SAJV.   For more information on how to chat at SAJV Fans, go to Set-Up.  
Reports from the chats with the actors can be found at  Reports. These are not transcripts, since these verbal chats are more like conversations rather than typical Internet chats. We will try to cover some of the main chat details, though, especially those comments most relevant to "The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne".
Here are some simple guidelines we'd like you to follow:
  • On days of a special chat with the actors, no one may enter the chat room before the designated start time for the chat except for the actors, the moderators, and the typists.
  • When actors are present at the chats, actors use colored text and actors use microphones. Fans use plain black text and no microphones. There will be designated typists who will type what the actors say, so that those who cannot hear the chats can read what is being said.
  • If you have a comment for one specific person rather than the chat room in general, please use the Personal Message (PM) feature of the chat.
  • Please don’t PM the actors.
  • Please use common sense when making comments. If your comment is one that you would not like to make out loud to someone’s face in a public, then you probably shouldn’t say it here either. No flaming (personal attacks) is allowed.
  • If any chatter becomes offensive, please PM one of the moderators:  ephian (aka ephialv aka Becky) and zhaansacolyte (aka Shel), and several others designated at each chat.
  • Any chatter who is offensive, and has been notified to cease and desist by one of the moderators, and still persists in being offensive, will be put on Ignore and expelled from the club.

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