
Meawhile. Simon's bud, the guy who ratted out Jack to Simon, gets arrested
yellow Mexico
In LA, the JTF gets a special visitor ... |

Arvin Sloane himself
Large |

Wow! Dixon must remember why he hates Sloane
Yippee! He
doesn't believe in the
Easter Bunny! We can just put aside all those
thoughts - Large |

In the conference room |

Marshall says hi to Maybe Good Sloane |

Sloane says, yes, I'm good, and there is this MacGuffin I need to get
for the Covenant from China, a maser that can zap
people, and I want Sydney to go with |

Sydney agrees, while expressing hope that she will see Sloane's imminent
demise |

A Sloane smile - enough to send shivers down the spines of all, whether
they believe in the Easter Bunny or not

Jack takes a moment to ask Vaughn to get himself and Lauren out of their
scheduled Mexico trip to retrieve that guy that can ID Sydney |

Pretty please, pretty please, huh, huh? Need time to save Sydney
from possible brain ouchies |

Hey, like, my wife is good, man, and, like, if it's not us, someone
else'll ID Syd, and like, Lauren's cool, she won't rat on Syd |
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