Back in LA, Sydney tells Vaughn all the exciting details of the Sao
Paulo trip |

Vaughn's all, great, but what about the Alliance guy you
were suppose to ID? |

Syd's all, hey, we saved a famous diplomat - that should be enough for
one episode |

Without stating the obvious, that there is never only one op per episode,
Vaughn gives Sydney a special gift ... |

a copy of her father's CIA file, since he knows Syd wants the inside
scoop on Dad |

So Sydney takes the top-secret confidential file to the public university
library and
starts reading it |

It |

Oh, and gee, guess what, anybody who walks by could read it too, like
Francie, if she doesn't put it away fast enough

Putting the Dad File away for the moment, Francie and Sydney go outside
and run into
Will, who says he's researching an SAT story |

Francie takes a moment to invite Will to their Halloween party |

Syd takes a moment to answer her beeper and escape once more to ... |

SD-6 and the new op - Syd and Dixon are suppose
to smuggle this
bio-tech guy
out of
Berlin, away from company goons, so he can give them info on a vaccine
biological weapons |

Marshall's tech involves a nifty credit-car-thingee that bypasses a company's
firewall and allows secret files to be uploaded to SD-6 |

Now the only tricky bit is to correctly ID this guy Schiller, since
all they have is a 25-year old pic
of the
dude |