Introduction, Episodes,
Catacombs, Links
Back in LA
Will meets Kate Jones, who says she went out with Danny for a while,
that they were
planning to go to Hong Kong together, but they never did
Will says, oh yeah? Then why does your social security number that's
on your credit card that you used at L.A.X. say
This Kate Jones runs away very quickly
Back in Badenweiler
Syd meets the CIA agents, exchanges the real inhalers for fake ones ...
and gets some compliments from the guys, who say that Vaughn likes her
and says she's good
After compliments, Syd disengages the bomb's detonator
and joins Dixon outside, watching the detonator not work ...
and watching in horror as Dixon pulls out a secondary detonator and
pushes the button
and the plant, and assorted CIA agents, blow up
Bad Day in Badenweiler