So Jack does double duty - passing the info to Fake Schiller and extracting
said info
out of
Fake Schiller - and demonstrates some of his info extraction techniques |

which includes breaking Schiller's arm |

and getting Schiller to say Badenweiler |

So it's off to Badenweiler for Syd and Dixon, to retrieve the inhalers
and then blow up
the plant

Vaughn gives Syd her countermission - get the inhalers, give the
real ones to the
guys who will be in the plant, get fake inhalers to give to SD-6,
disable Dixon's
bomb so the CIA guys don't blow up, and leave

Syd gets that, but doesn't get a missing case file in
her father's files, involving someone named Calder |

Vaughn says, yep, he doesn't get it either, but Calder's FBI, which means
Jack must have been investigated by the FBI |

Meanwhile, Will gets some more info on Kate Jones from his airline tipster |

Shortly thereafter, it's Badenweiler, and Sydney and Dixon breaking and
entering |

and running |

Dixon sets the bomb |

while Sydney wires a fake emergency signal to clear the builiding |

and steals the inhalers