
Meanwhile, somewhere in a narrow strip of desert near the San Andreas

Syd and Jack get out their trusty metal detector and discuss Sloane,
who took a bullet for Jack, helped Syd, put lots of pardon violations
in their hands, and Syd still doesn't trust him

They do trust the metal detector that detects a metal box, and
inside ... |

a severed hand with a Rambaldi tattoo, which they examine back at their
and decide to send to Marshall for testing

On to more urgent matters, Jack explains the plan - send Lauren back
as fake hostage spokesman with request to
trade Sydney to the CIA for a Rambaldi device that Sloane
when he
got parole. And just in case this is all a plan
of Sloane's to get it back, they'll trash the device when they get it |

Lauren's thinkin' maybe trashing a fairly smooth make-up job would also
be good |

but Vaughn doesn't want facial ouchies for wifey |

Sydney, however, with a great deal more sense, is more than willing to
and takes her into another room where she ... |

slugs her

for being a snitch |

The hand's for thanks for helping with the prison breakout |
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