Sydney's waking again

with Vaughn sitting nearby |

and Sydney likes this dream so much |

she gives him a smooch |

saying it's OK, she just misses him so much, and anyway it's only a dream |

Vaughn says, uh, no |

just as Jack breaks it up and says Syd's vitals are OK

and Syd's feeling a bit embarrassed |

Back at the JTF, Marshall gives Lauren his severed hand report - no DNA
match but the guy who lost it was alive 4 months ago |

Lauren listens, then phones Jack with the details |

Back in New Haven, the Dream Team is discussing Syd's interesting dreams,
to figure out what might be real and what's not

Dad, I cut off Lazarey's hand in the dream, but that can't be real because
I bumped him off over a year ago, not 4 months ago |

Jack says, yes but what if the video tape was a performance and
not for real, and we'll get Marshall to check the hand DNA with Lazarey's
- Larger |
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