
Syd says, oh, and Vaughn, Lauren tried to strangle me |

Vaughn says, yeah, but ... but ... that was a dream wifey and not real
wifey ... right? |

Doc says, well, maybe real, maybe dream. Or maybe physical manifestation
someone else

so it's time for more drugs and Dream Syd will try to get a look into
Room 47 |

Meanwhile, in another of those parking garages, Sloane goes to meet

Lindsey, who wants Sloane to arrange for a sniper to take out Sydney
when they make the Rambaldi trade with the Covenant |

Sloane says, that's a bit outside his parole, and why doesn't Lindsey
just not make the trade and have the Covenant kill Sydney? |

Lindsey says he wants assurances that Sydney is dead, and Sloane better
do it or else,
because Lindsey knows what Sloane is really up to, conveniently and
frustratingly written
down in this letter that Sloane reads but the audience never sees |

So Lindsey leaves and Sloane gives him this look, and can you be any
dumber than
to threaten Arvin Sloane?

Back at the JTF, Marshall gives Lauren the word that the DNA matched and
the hand is Lazarey's |

so Lauren calls Jack with the news |

OK, this is a picture of Jack getting the news |

Sydney goes under again with the psychedelic drugs in their psychedelic
IV bags |

and finds Dream Syd in a 50's car with fuzzy dice

and Dixon

and the car is a St. Aidan's, which Dixon says is hard to find |