Introduction, Episodes,
Catacombs, Links
They pull into what looks like Sydney's house, and Dream Syd gets out
with "the
while Weiss and Marshall play poker
and use the Rambaldi clock as an ashtray
They tell Dream Syd to find "that building" through the kitchen, which
Dream Syd enters
and runs into Maybe Lauren, who says you shouldn't have come back
you don't want to be here
Dream Syd asks, who are you, before
they fight again, this time with Dream Syd getting the upper hand
only to have the plastic ripped away and out comes Other Dream Syd (you
can tell them apart because Other Dream Syd is in black)
who says
you're so stubborn, we wanted to stay away, we know the Covenant
had us, and do you think it's an accident we don't remember
Oh, and just to be totally enigmatic, Other Dream Syd adds,
Trust Lazarey
There is this big Dream Syd on Other Dream Syd fight until
Dream Syd pulls a gun
and shoots Other Dream Syd
then goes to Door 47, opens it, and says
Oh My God .....
and whatever the heck that means is sure not going to be revealed this