It's a new episode, Syd's got to go to Oxford to retrieve that Rambaldi
artifact Sloane
in the last episode, but first she's got to drop the CIA a
the-trash-can message about it

One transatlantic flight later, Syd and Dixon
prep for the Oxford party |

Anna Espinosa is already at the party, pumping this guy for info on the
artifact |

and getting her own private showing, but not before she gives the newly-arrived
Syd a wink and a nod |

Sydney's viewing of the artifact is going to depend on this guy |

whose key card in his pocket is going to be duplicated by Syd's magic
key card
reader gizmo and Dixon's duplication services

Moments later, Dixon's passing more champagne and a key card to Syd,
and then goes out to alert security about Anna |

Now Anna has no trouble knocking out her guide and stealing his key
card, but those security guys Dixon alerted show up

and it's soon a two-on-one fight |

This time it's Sydney giving the passing nod to hammer-lock-held Anna |

before opening the lab with her duplicated key card and then christening
the card
reader lock with some nice short-circuiting champagne |

so when Anna finally gets free of the guards, the door is now jammed

and this time it's Syd giving a smooch on the other side of the glass |

In the lab, Syd finds this assumed Rambaldi artifact |

and makes a quick escape with it through the window just before Anna