After the briefing, Sydney asks Dad if they can talk, private like |

With the help of his handy 60 second bug scrambler, Jack says talk, and
does. She wants to know what's up with this security stalker stuff

Jack says, not sure, but the guy who does their advanced lie detection
stuff is visiting next week, so maybe Sloane suspects a mole or
two, and better have Vaughn work with you on beating the detection

Okie dokie |

Meanwhile, back at Will's newspaper, Will's in a pickle |

Seems Will finally convinced his editor to let him do a story on Danny
Hecht's murder

only now he doesn't want to do it because it would hurt Sydney, but if
he doesn't do it, the story will get assigned to another reporter |

So the damned-if-he-does-damned-if-he-doesn't Will stops by Syd's for
a chat, but
he wusses out

Syd mentions that they're all worried at the bank because they're all
getting lie detector tests because some cash is missing, and she's
never taken off her engagement ring

which pretty much seals Will's wuss-out, so no meaningful talks about
a story on Danny this time |

In self-storage, Vaughn starts to prep Syd for the lie detector test |

He asks lots of questions like 'are you a double agent?', and of course
the ultimate spy question, 'are you romantically interested in

Syd says 'no' to that last question, which the machine says is a lie,
which means
a lot of
lying to